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At times, you will have to talk to a stranger or make a new friend at school, so how do you use your speaking skills to do that? And how can you avoid slience? The answer will all be on this page.

“So where do you live?”
“Really!~ I live there too!!!!!!! .”
Painful silence.



Food, hobbies, favourite movies, anything that you have in common, but keep it on the positive side unless you are very good at joking. First time you have in contact with a person, it is not good to complain about things

1. Comment on common topic

"Did you like the new movie Pacific Rim?"

"Well, I liked some parts of it but not all"

"What parts did you like?"

And it continues on......

2. Ask questions that cannot be answer in one words

It will keep the person who you are talking to interested in talking to you and you will not end up in painful slience. If you do ask a question that could be answer in one words, then immediately ask another one

"Why rare you so busy these days?"

"I'm doing my L.A project"

"Hows it going?"

And it continues on......

3. react to what a person says

If he or she makes a joke and it is not funny to you, you should try to laugh. If she or he offered some suprising information try to be shocked even if you did not understand.

"Did you know that one out of every seven books sold last year was written by Stephanie Meyer?"

"Wow~ really?!"

"Yes, of course!"

And it continues on......

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